In September a devastating fire destroyed over 400 structures in Imizamo Yethu. The relief efforts for this fire had the added complexity of distributing relief to almost 1,500 individuals, all while adhering to stringent COVID-19 protocols.
It was a challenge that we embraced wholeheartedly, once again adapting our distribution methods to an outdoor facility. This particular disaster also marked the beginning of a valuable partnership with Yebo Fresh. The team at Yebo Fresh created an online shopping cart with a number of preselected items for donors to support a family (or two) by purchasing groceries , which Yebo Fresh expertly packed and delivered to us on the day of our distribution. This collaboration allowed us to provide full relief distribution, adhering to all COVID-19 protocols, within a remarkably short time frame of just two days.
Time and time again, we are moved by the incredible willingness of individuals and communities to come together and support those in need. The generous donations, tireless community efforts, and valuable partnerships we have forged with key role players such as CCP, City of Cape Town, Deep Blue, Disaster Risk Management, Law enforcement Services and SAPS, are a testament to the power of unity and compassion.
We extend our heartfelt gratitude to all those who have supported us and continue to stand alongside us on this journey of compassion and resilience.